Tuesday, July 28, 2009

chocolate rain

Diarrhea is pouring out of my asshole right now like so serious.  Chocolate Tropical rainstorms...I guess it is a relief considering I just ate a good amount of sushi and I was afraid the same constipation probably I ran into last week would happen again.  That problem eased up after a few days, I really think that Arnica Montana supplement helped.  The swelling looked really ridiculousthatpicture I posted didn't really do it justice you needed to see it from like a bird's eye view...the right si
e of my stomach jutted out like at least an inch and a half compared to the right side.  It was really scary actually, I had another dream that I was in the hospital about to get surgery again it sucked, I think the kid from heavyweights was in the room also with a bunch of other kids and they were all about to get the same surgery.   There's been a few times when the whole marijuana thing worked against me, it gave me serious worries about how I was going to get sick again a few times and that was no fun, I think this dream might have been after one of those times.

When I was all swollen last week I kinda just lied around and didn't eat because I was afraid...those are like the two things you are NOT supposed to do.  Even if it's scary to eat, like you kinda need to, it helps push the other shit out.  And even if you feel week or hurt a little you gotta walk it helps move everything around.  I was really good at walking a lot in the hospital I don't know why I assumed once I was home I could just be a bum and watch spongebob all day.

Done pooping...I could take a picture but I feel like no one really wants to see my shit maybe that's taking it too far?  I mean it was just all black murky water anyways.  The other day I did eat corn though and it all came out pretty much how it went in, but also caked in shit.  My butthole feels okay actually, it was really itchy after I pooped but besides that it wasn't so bad.  

I'm down to one pill a day, just my 50mg of 6mp.  Finally off of fucking steroids I'm really happy about that, they aren't great to be on forever they thin your bones out and shit, and I was on them like for like at least two months out of this year.  I've been feeling really good actually it's weird, I've felt well enough to play drums a few days at the beginning of this week.  I mean...the doctor said "I wouldn't do any strenuous physical activity and I usually tell my patients not to lift more than 8 pounds."  But he wasn't my actual surgeon he was like an associate.  I mean he's a good guy for sure, but my other surgeon is just like "don't do anything that hurts or doesn't feel right to your body", which I think is definitely a better guideline to go by.  

My sleep schedule has been fucked lately, I've been awake from like 1pm into the 3-5ams recently this week, I'm not sure if it's me reverting back to the hospital ways of being woken up so early, or if it's just me PARTYIN all summer.  Either way it's a bummer because I have started working again!  Which is cool I think but I gotta get my sleeping schedule back on track.  

Besides the diarrhea I'm not really sick anymore, and the swelling still I guess.  Hopefully the Crohn's won't really come back for a while, or EVER that would be nice.  I'm still not eating meat, I was really craving like a burger the other day but I'll be okay for a few months I think.  Sushi is like one of my favorite foods and eating it made me feel like I could resist meat for a little longer, I still would like to go to Red Lobster soon or something  I'm afraid to drink soda again since that time I went to Chipotle, I'm sure it didn't help.  I'm probably better off without soda anyway.  But what I'm saying is that I DONT FUCKING KNOW WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT.  I'm not really a complainer so I can't even play up the sick thing because it'd just be wah-wah for no reason.

Today I took a shit in my dad's office and we were out of toilet paper, so I had to sit and wait for like 10 minutes f0r them to find some.  While I was waiting I looked under the sink and found a mouse stuck to a glue trap.  Me being a vagina/hippie I decided to take him after I pooped, pull him off the glue trap, rinse him off on the sidewalk so the glue comes off, put him in a box, bring him to my house and give him peanut butter and a cracker, and then take him to the woods by me and release him.  I don't even know if mouses fucking live in the woods, or if they like peanut butter, but everyone likes peanut butter I feel like so whatever.  Anyway, none of this probably mattered because one of the mouse's legs seemed to be a little broken because it wasn't using it and hopping/rolling around...and to top that off it fucking rained so hard today that I'm sure he drowned in the stream I placed him by or something.

Ok ttyl guests are here.

Okay I'm back shitting my brains out again!  We are in the process of making brownies.  But I'm glad that while we were eating sushi today I stopped like halfway through the meal because if I kept eating it would have been bad news.  It's hard being Italian and not eating insane amounts of food...but I can't really chalk up the gluttony thing to my culture that is way too cheap, every culture kinda revolves around food.  I think it's more of the human thing haha people like to eat.  But my family is really all about the food, hence the bakery and everything and we certainly don't have great eating habits.  My dad prefers the shovel shit into my mouth method, and is all about late night snacking at the fridge and putting his fingers in the peanut butter.  Not bad talking him I love that guy, but it's hard to pace yourself when the person you're eating with is mouth-raping his food.

Okay time to wipe and I'm not going to touch the keyboard after that, I'm not that grimy.

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